Events & Trainings

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Meeting, exchanging, networking - we regularly inform interested parties from science and industry about research and pioneering technologies at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB - Get in touch with us and benefit from the latest developments in battery cell production. We look forward to catching up with you!

Past events
© Fraunhofer FFB
Fraunhofer FFB employees took part in the IBPC 2023 in Braunschweig.

Presentations at the International Battery Production Conference IBPC

November 7th to 9th, 2023

Fraunhofer FFB was represented with two presentations at the annual IBPC conference in Braunschweig:

Dr. Kristina Borzutzki, Group Leader »Process Engineering« gave a presentation on »Continuous Processing of Negative LIB Electrodes« together with Krischan Jeitsch from BUSS AG.

On the third day of the conference, Natalja Rube, research associate in Digital Production Planning, spoke on »Procedure for considering the required flexibility in production operations during factory planning using the example of the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB«.

This year, several Fraunhofer FFB researchers presented their research in the poster sessions. Please contact us if you are interested!

© Fraunhofer FFB
Group Leader »Cell Design« Jannik Jasper and Group Leader »Materials« Jonas Henschel explained the functions of the battery components and the special features of the manufacturing process for various battery designs at the Battery Experts Forum 2023 in Darmstadt.

Tutorial: Flexibility in Cell Design for Innovations and Scale-up in the Battery Industry«

November 7th to 9th, 2023

This year's Battery Experts Forum took place in Darmstadt from 7. November to 9. November. In the form of a two-hour tutorial, Dr. Jonas Henschel, Group Leader »Materials« and Jannik Jasper, Group Leader »Cell Design« explained the functionality of battery cells. They also discussed performance, safety aspects of cell design and the chemical-physical interaction between the cell components and materials.

Lecture: »Innovative Uses of Lasers for Advancing Battery Production«

October 16th to 19th, 2023

The 42nd International Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics ICALEO was the world's largest congress on laser technology and focused not only on battery production but also on a number of other key topics such as micro-applications, artificial intelligence and beam shaping. This year, Miha Podbreznik, research associate in the »Technology Management« department, had the opportunity to present the results of a study on the potential of laser applications in battery cell production.

Lecture: »Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB - Research on a Giga Scale Towards a Greener Future«

October 10th to 12th, 2023

The Future of Advanced Manufacturing Symposium 2023 took place this year from October 10th to 12th in Enschede. Group Leader for »Operational Excellence«, Hendrik Walter, gave a presentation on the above-mentioned topic.

Lecture: »Process-Structure-Property Correlations in Continuous Processing of High-Power Electrode Pastes for Application in Lithium Ion Batteries«

October 8th to 12th, 2023

From October 8th to 12th, 2023, the 244th Electrochemical Society Meeting took place in Gothenburg, Sweden. At this event, scientists met with stakeholders from industry and students to discuss new electrochemical technologies, solid state research and related fields. Head of the »Process Engineering« group, Dr. Kristina Borzutzki, gave a presentation on »Process-Structure-Property Correlations in Continuous Processing of High-Power Electrode Pastes for Application in Lithium Ion Batteries«.

Overview of all trad fairs, talks and events

Vortrag: "The role of OPC UA for gigafactory battery cell production"


We humans communicate through words - in chat messages, on the phone, or face-to-face. According to #Industry40, machines in networked and digitized factories must also be able to communicate, exchange information and understand each other. This is made possible by the open standard OPC UA - Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture. A framework that enables secure, reliable, multi-vendor connectivity between networks and devices at various levels, from control to enterprise. For a giga-scale battery cell factory, this is a highly relevant standard. It ensures end-to-end information exchange and enables analytics.

However, the machines need their domain-specific vocabulary to communicate, defined in the form of Companion Specifications. Defining these "vocabularies" is a complex process. After all, the interests of different manufacturers and users need to be reconciled and made as cross-industry as possible.

In his presentation at the OPC Foundation's webinar "OPC Day 2023, IT meets Automation", our group leader and research associate in the area of #Digitalisation, Arno Schmetz, gives an insight into the requirements, implementation options, and fields of action that arise in the construction of a battery cell factory. He also shows how the path to such a vocabulary in battery cell production can be saved. 

Presentation by Arno Schmetz about OPC UA in battery cell production
© Fraunhofer FFB
Lecture announcement: Arno Schmetz, Fraunhofer FFB Group Leader in Digitization will give a keynote at OPC DAY international "IT meets Automation" in mid-June 2023.

Speech: "How will data (science) influence the battery cell production of tomorrow?"

Dr. Antje Fitzner, our colleague, will be presenting at the Digital Summit Euregio in Münster on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. The presentation will focus on the advantages and practical use of data science in battery cell production.

We are thrilled to be part of an upcoming event that will unite prominent figures like CEOs, CIOs, and IT managers from medium-sized companies, alongside representatives from the start-up community in North-Westphalia and the Netherlands. The event is set to be a fantastic opportunity for all involved. #DSE2023

© Digital Summit Euregio

Speech: »How much energy is necessary to manufacture battery cells?«

- Energy consumption of current and future lithium-ion and beyond lithium-ion battery cell production -

Our Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, Dr. Florian Degen, will give a presentation on the above topic at the Battery Show Europe in Stuttgart.

Link to the agenda of the event

You will also meet some of our colleagues at the exhibition. Please feel free to make an appointment to get to know us!

Speech of Dr. Florian Degen »The Battery Show Europe«
© Fraunhofer FFB
Dr. Florian Degen, Division Director for Strategy and Corporate Development at Fraunhofer FFB is giving a speech about the energy consumption of battery production at »The Battery Show Europe«.

Vortrag: »Zelldesigns der Fraunhofer FFB – flexibel und wandlungsfähig«


Vortrag unserer Bereichsleiterin für Produkt- und Produktionstechnologie Saskia Wessel bei der Online Konferenz für Elektromobilität live am 29.03.2023. Mehr Infos zum Thema Zelldesigns finden Sie auch in unserem Blogartikel zum Thema.

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"Knowledge and innovation for sustainable battery cell production"  - Industry Day 2023

"Knowledge and innovation" - these words sum up the Fraunhofer FFB project for European battery production. Accordingly, this year's Industry Day was held under this motto.  Exciting presentations by external and internal speakers, a tour of the "FFB PreFab", networking, and a poster session were on the agenda. 

Stay up to date: At this place, you will get all discussed contents (presentation slides, after movie, science posters) here to read & download.

Satellite event "From the Lab to the Production Line" of the International Conference on Research Infrastructure (ICRI) 2022

The one-day online symposium at ICRI focused on the European research infrastructure for battery production. All presentations can be found on our YouTube channel, so they are available at any time. Presentation topics include:

  • "State of the European Battery Production Research.
  • "Approaches and Network"
  • "Digitalization and Sustainability"

October 11 2022

Career event "Women in battery research - career opportunities at the battery hotspot Münster"

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August 25 2022 Münster

Fraunhofer FFB Industry Day 2022

On August 25, 2022, the Fraunhofer FFB Industry Day took place. About 60 participants from industry and research came to Münster to learn about our current Fraunhofer FFB projects and the status of the FoFeBat project.

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Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen-Kolloquium 2023

At the Aachen Machine Tool Colloquium, AWK for short, our colleagues were represented on two theme tours with information on "Digitalization" and "Drive Systems". In addition, questions about the Fraunhofer FFB in general and our service portfolio were answered.

AWK 2023
© Fraunhofer FFB
From left to right: Dr. Christoph Baum, Arno Schmetz, Dr. Jonathan Krauß, Alexander Widak, Dr. Florenz Janning

Advanced Battery Power Conference Aachen 2023

We were represented at the Advanced Battery Power Conference with an exhibition booth and gave insights into our work, among other things, using current cell designs.

Our institute directors Prof. Simon Lux and Prof. Jens Tübke participated in the event with a presentation and a session lead, respectively.

Speech of Prof. Simon Lux at ABP 2023
© Fraunhofer FFB
At the Advanced Battery Power Conference, Professor Simon Lux, Institute Director of Fraunhofer FFB gave a presentation about our research facility.

March 28-30  2022, Münster

Battery Day NRW/Advanced Battery Power


© Fraunhofer FFB

February 26-28  2020, Tokyo, Japan

Battery Expo Japan


November 27 2019, Münster

Project kick-off "Research Fab Battery Cells“

As part of the project kick-off, the Fraunhofer Research Fab Battery Cells officially started work on Wednesday, November 27, 2019.

© Fraunhofer IPT

Lecture "Battery Production" in Winter Semester 2023/24

For the first time, Fraunhofer FFB employees are holding an interdisciplinary lecture on battery cell production at Münster University of Applied Sciences. From 10.10.23 to 30.01.24 on Tuesdays from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m., students can acquire both the scientific fundamentals of energy storage and knowledge of digitalized and sustainable production as well as technology management. The lecture can be taken as an elective module in the master's programs in chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, materials science and materials engineering, photonics, and industrial engineering.