Purposes and objectives of the "FoFeBat" project
The Fraunhofer FFB, which is set up with the "FoFeBat" project, is being designed to provide industrial manufacturers with a central research infrastructure and ultimately to help them produce battery cells with high levels of economic efficiency and ecological sustainability. It intends to accelerate the innovation and commercialization processes of production technologies for existing and future, yet-to-be-developed cell formats. The research effort will focus on the acquisition of experiences with large-scale industrial production processes, on the build-up and development of skills required to manage these processes and on the elimination of existing gaps in our knowledge and understanding.
The concept
Feedback from industrial manufacturers and information about their needs and requirements will be integrated into continuous updates of the research concept and the research agenda. This commitment is a key ingredient of the long-term success of this ambitious project. The "FoFeBat" project has been primarily designed to explore tomorrow’s production technologies, aiming to support domestic manufacturers as well as international partners in their efforts to develop future-oriented manufacturing techniques. A modular structure and a maximum degree of flexibility will be required if we want to ensure that new insights and ground-breaking research results will be quickly integrated into industrial practice.