Publicly-funded research projects

Publicly funded battery research for Europe

For example, we receive funding from the European Union, from various federal ministries such as the BMBF, BMVI, BMWi, and BMU as well as from state ministries in North Rhine-Westphalia such as the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy (MWIDE) and the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW).


Research project

Na.Ion.NRW: "Development of a sustainable sodium-ion battery made in NRW"


Research project

FOOD: "Formation optimization in battery cell production using diagnostic procedures and digital methods"


Research project

SuSyPhos: "Sustainable Synthesis and Recycling of Phosphorus-containing Materials in Lithium-Ion Batteries"


Research project

REVAMP: "Automated remanufacturing of variant-rich vehicle batteries"


Research project

SeRoBatt: "Secondary Sources of Critical Raw Materials for Battery Cell Production - Potentials, Recovery, Resynthesis"


Research project

Automated battery cell characterization before, after and through aging tests to monitor long-term effects of production changes


Research project

Quality-oriented and energy-reduced system technology for LIB and NextGen production in mini-environments


Research project

Innovative processes during the recycling of aqueous processed and future batteries


Research project

Interoperable production as an enabler for a data-driven battery value chain


Research project

Accompanying measure and transfer accelerator for the funding initiative "Increasing efficiency and utilizing synergy effects in battery cell production for electromobility"