Opportunities and risks along possible future value chains

Innovation potential of sodium-ion batteries

Environment report /

© Fraunhofer FFB
The environmental report examines the technological characteristics of sodium-ion batteries and the activities in research and industry from materials production to cell production and the emergence of user markets.

The environment report deals with sodium-ion batteries as an alternative battery technology. The researchers analyse the technological properties of the battery as well as the activities in research and industry relating to this technology - starting with material production and cell production through to the emergence of user markets. 

The report was produced in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, the PEM Chair at RWTH Aachen University  and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. It begins by analysing current research activities and the associated patents and publications in Europe and worldwide. The report then focuses on the characteristics of the industry groups (1) raw material extraction and material development and production, (2) cell development and production and (3) applications and integration concepts. For each group, the current innovations and goals, the R&D challenges and the research and industry players in the field are analysed. The report also analyses the extent to which Fraunhofer FFB's various innovation paths can support industry in solving R&D challenges on the threshold of industrial applicability of process technologies. 

The environment report on sodium-ion batteries is available in German and can be downloaded here free of charge.

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