Learn about becoming an IT Specialist

In an increasingly digitalised world in which networked systems and sensitive data play an more important role, the tasks of IT specialists also become complex. We spoke to Philip Polzin, who started his training as an IT specialist for system integration at Fraunhofer FFB in August 2023. In this interview, he talks about the start of his training and why he decided to train with us.

Philip Polzin, Auszubildender zum Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration an der Fraunhofer FFB.
© Fraunhofer FFB
Philip Polzin, apprentice IT specialist for system integration at Fraunhofer FFB.

Whether planning and configuring technical applications, troubleshooting or advising employees: The IT department at Fraunhofer FFB is confronted with new issues every day. WWhat motivated you to start the training?

At the age of 10, I was already working on my first computer. I spent a long time looking for the many individual parts and gradually bought them with my pocket money. I enjoy putting the individual components together - especially when everything works. It used to take me a long time. Now I'm faster and, with the development of computer technology, I can always try out new things myself. That also motivated me to start the apprenticeship. When I heard on the radio that Münster was becoming a battery city and that Fraunhofer FFB was involved in this project, I was immediately curious and discovered the job advertisement on the website and thought: I'll try my luck.

What did you do before you started your training at Fraunhofer FFB?

I did my first internship at an IT service provider while I was still at school, and since then I've always had a look at other IT companies. I was able to learn and find out a lot about the profession. At the Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg in Münster, I then completed my training as an information technology assistant over the past three years. This allowed me to deepen my understanding of the various tasks in the IT sector. Above all, we did a lot of practical work, setting up local networks and programming web applications. This degree enables me to shorten the IT specialist training to two years.

What are your tasks at the FFB and who supervises you?

My trainers, Timm and Jürgen, are very helpful and dedicated. I got to know Jürgen during the first phone interview and Timm was also present during the second on-site interview. I alternate between four days a week in the office and one day at the vocational school, and two days every other week. In addition, I travel to the Fraunhofer IPT in Aachen for two days every two weeks to deepen the training content with my colleagues there. I like the fact that we all sit together in one office. This way I get to see a lot of the numerous tasks and my instructors actively involve me in the tasks and I get to work on my own projects. Timm and Jürgen always take time to explain things to me and impart new knowledge. I find the planning of the IT infrastructure for the »FFB PreFab« and »FFB Fab« particularly exciting. So far, however, I have enjoyed the user support the most, because I like to help when employees have problems. For example, when they can no longer log in or a software doesn't work.

Where do people meet you when you're not at Fraunhofer FFB?

Gaming is my hobby - so I also like to be on the PC in my free time (grins).

How would you describe the FFBers after your first time with us?

Open-minded, friendly and easygoing. I quickly noticed that everyone enjoys working here. Although we are a young team, we are growing together with Fraunhofer FFB. I feel very welcome.