Artificial Intelligence in Battery Production

Manufacturing battery cells poses significant challenges for companies: stringent quality standards, intricate and interconnected processes, and rejection rates as high as 30%. These challenges drive up production costs and resource usage and entail potential safety hazards.

© Fraunhofer FFB

How can AI help to increase manufacturing productivity?

Data-driven optimization plays a pivotal role in elevating productivity in the realm of battery value creation. Our methodologies rely on the comprehensive aggregation and correlation of data across various processes, harnessing the potential of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to markedly enhance the manufacturing of LIBs in accordance with the principles of Industry 4.0. Our foremost objective in research and development is the conception and deployment of advanced data-centric and interconnected systems tailored to the specific requirements of the battery industry. Through the application of our data-driven models, we are capable of achieving substantial enhancements, such as:

Predicting product quality

By analyzing production data, we can monitor and predict the quality of the battery cells in real-time, which means that can be detected at an early stage and reduced in the future.

Monitor machine conditions (predictive maintenance)

Our AI models recognize early signs of possible machine failures and determine expected remaining service lives. This allows maintenance work to be scheduled in good time to avoid unexpected downtime.

Understand and optimize production processes faster (resource-saving start-up optimization)

Using data-driven models based on process parameters of the systems and product properties of the intermediate products, we can optimize start-up processes. This helps to save resources, reduce energy consumption, and increase the efficiency of the entire production process.

Application Technologies of Artificial Intelligence

There are numerous potential applications for AI along the entire battery value chain. Here are selected examples for you:

Always the goal in sight

AI for product optimization

For example, to determine coating quality

  • Automatic identification and localization of defects using imaging methods.

Advantage: Accurate defect detection is impossible with the naked eye. Linking tolerances reduce error propagation and reject rates by sorting out faulty intermediate products early.

Better operation of individual systems

AI for machines and systems

For example, to check the calendering quality

  • Machine monitoring and qualification
  • Predictive Maintenance of critical wear parts of the systems

Advantage: Machine throughput can be increased, and expensive unplanned downtimes are avoided.

Eliminate production errors at an early stage

AI in the production process

For example, for resource-saving start-up optimization

  • Vorhersage and optimization of production process parameters
  • Predictive Quality

Advantage: Optimal process settings are found earlier. Material and energy are saved. The reject rate can be reduced.

Fraunhofer FFB: Your partner for AI in battery production

Digitization experts, process know-how & an in-house research infrastructure

Our diverse team, composed of experts in IT, engineering, and data analytics, collaborates to create tailored solutions for our partners. With access to cutting-edge technologies and extensive experience in working with industrial partners, we are well-equipped to address your challenges in battery production and assist you in digitalization and process optimization.

Your contact

Thomas Ackermann, M. Sc.

Contact Press / Media

Thomas Ackermann, M. Sc.

Group Manager Data-based Production Improvement

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
Bergiusstraße 8
48165 Münster, Germany

Phone +49 241 8904-644

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