Quality Management in the Ramp-up of Battery Cell Production

Quality and Quantity in Balance

The process of ramping up a battery cell factory involves scaling up production from small test batches to series production, which is a complex construction process. Companies encounter the challenge of balancing the goals of maximizing both production capacity and product quality. Fraunhofer FFB provides extensive support to effectively design and optimize this process.

© Fraunhofer FFB

Where do we start?

Our approach is based on specific expertise and practical experience gained both in industry and in the ramp-up of our first research production facility "FFB PreFab":

  • Specific cell production expertise: we know the specifics and challenges of cell production and what matters.
  • Hands-on experience: Our production facilities "FFB Workspace, "FFB PreFab" and the planning of the "FFB Fab" offer us the opportunity to learn directly at the source and develop innovative solutions.
  • Methodological knowledge from the automotive sector: With in-depth knowledge of industry standards such as VDA PPAP, FMEA, MSA, SPC, and VDA 19.1 and 19.2, we combine methodological expertise in the field of quality management and technical cleanliness with specific expertise in battery production.

Integrative solutions in all phases of the ramp-up

With the right measures, we ensure product and process quality at every stage of your production ramp-up.

First Phase

Pre-series production

In the first phase, small batches (e.g. mature B-samples, early C-samples) are produced under controlled and iterative testing of production processes and materials.


Our quality check:

Early identification and elimination of defects to lay the foundation for stable series production.

Second Phase

Pilot production

Following successful pre-series tests, pilot production involves increasing production quantities while refining processes and ensuring product consistency (e.g. mature C-samples).



Our quality check:

Optimizing production processes and ensuring consistent quality in larger quantities.

Third Phase

Production of series

The third phase marks the transition to large-scale production (e.g. D model), which is ideally represented by a gradual increase in production capacity on the ramp-up curve.



Our quality check:

Stabilizing production processes and ensuring high product quality with increasing production volumes.

Fift Phase

Large-scale production

In large-scale production, large quantities are produced at maximum machine utilization.



Our quality check:

Efficient use of resources, cost reduction through fewer rejects, and consistent fulfillment of customer specifications.

Fraunhofer FFB: Your partner for quality assurance in ramp-up

Operational excellence, process expertise & our research infrastructure

Our interdisciplinary team has extensive experience in fields such as engineering or data analytics. We develop customized solutions for our partners by leveraging the latest technologies and infrastructures. With many years of experience working with industrial partners, we are well-equipped to help you overcome challenges in battery production and support you in scaling up.

Your contact

Hendrik Walter, M.Sc.

Contact Press / Media

Hendrik Walter, M.Sc.

Head of Department Strategic Corporate Development

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
Bergiusstr. 8
48165  Münster

Phone +49 172 5772201

Contact Press / Media

Christian Dahmen

Research associate, Operational excellence

Fraunhofer Research Institution for Battery Cell Production FFB
Bergiusstr. 8
48165  Münster

Phone +49 174 3586014

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